Custom Types

You can define custom types with the Orb.CustomType behaviour.

You implement the wasm_type() function and return one of :i32, :i64, :f32 or :f64.

Even built-in types like Orb.I64 are defined using custom types:

defmodule Orb.I64 do
  @behaviour Orb.CustomType

  @impl Orb.CustomType
  def wasm_type(), do: :i64

Function parameters

These custom types can be used as function parameters.

defmodule Digit do
  use Orb

  @behaviour Orb.CustomType

  @impl Orb.CustomType
  def wasm_type(), do: :i32

  defw add(a: Digit, b: Digit), Digit do
    a + b

This compiles to the exact same code as:

defmodule Digit do
  use Orb
  defw add(a: :i32, b: :i32), :i32 do
    a + b

Memory offsets

If your module needs to work with pointers (memory offsets), we recommend defining a :i32 custom type for it:

defmodule MyLinkedList do
  @behaviour Orb.CustomType

  @impl Orb.CustomType
  def wasm_type(), do: :i32